Version 2.2.2

Important update + RevPi Connect

  • Core LEDs will not be switched off after instantiation.
  • For next generation of virtual devices we now can create more than 16 BIT IOs per memory unit.
  • You can control the LEDs on the Cores (next to .core.A1) with .core.a1green.value = True/False / .core.a1red.value = True/False. These are IO objects that also offer all other functions of the IOs.
  • RevPi Connect is supported now!
    • .core.A3 or .core.a3green / .core.a3red are available.
    • You can control the watchdog with .core.wd.value = True/False.
    • To toggle the watchdog automatically during the program runtime, you can set .core.wdautotoggle = True.
    • Internal IOs of X2 .core.x2in und .core.x2out are objects than offer all their features and functions. For example, you can register an event to the internal input of X2 .core.x2in.reg_event(funktion). To set the internal output of X2 use .core.x2out.value = True.
  • For cyclic work after .mainloop(blocking=False) you can use the new exit signal instance.exitsignal.is_set() or while not instance.exitsignal.wait(0.5): to exit your own loop.
    The signal is set when invoking instance.exit() or end of program when using .handlesignalend().
  • Small performance improvements.


Version 2.1.5

Small update

  • The function .cycleloop() now takes over the cycle time transferred by the optional parameter cycletime before the first run.
  • Processing of defaultvalues from piCtory improved.


Version 2.1.3

This update improves error messages and introduces byte summary with .replace_io(...) function:

  • Error messages were made clearer in case of missing piCtory configuration.
  • Network errors with RevPiNetIO are displayed as warnings.
  • Several bytes of a gateway or virtual device can be combined as a byte sequence in a new IO. The .replace_io("neuername", frm="8s") function for the format character s now supports a number of bytes. See DOC.


Version 2.1.2

Important update!

This update fixes the following errors and introduces new network features:

  • Revision of event monitoring (mainloop). The mainloop has been implemented more efficiently and uses less system resources.
  • During event monitoring (mainloop), further events are now recognized during the execution of an event function and transferred for processing.
  • Event functions specified as_thread=True are started immediately in parallel, independent of the processing of other event functions!
  • Added network function. RevPiNetIO, RevPiNetIOSelected and RevPiNetIODriver are now available. Just pass the IP address of the RevPi on which RevPiPyLoad from version 0.5.3 with activated plcserver=1 is running as parameter on instantiation.
    The process image is then exchanged over the network. The syntax and functionality of the module remain the same.
  • Further improvements to the code.


Version 2.0.7 / 1.0.3

Interesting update

This update extends our module with the following features:

  • Handles errors of the function which is passed to the cycleloop.
    This version manages errors thrown by the source code of the function which is passed to the cycleloop. The RevPiModIO module is put into a clean state and throws the error after that. If this error is intercepted by the programmer, the cylcleloop can be restarted.

    # (...)
        # Handle errors, log and
        # if necessary restart the cycleloop
    # (...)
  • Handles errors of the function that are executed by the event monitoring (mainloop).
    This version manages errors thrown by the source code of the event functions. The RevPiModIO module is put into a clean state and throws the error after that. If this error is intercepted by the programmer, the mainloop can be restarted.

    # (...)
        # Handle errors, log and
        # if necessary restart the mainloop
    # (...)
  • Clear error output after incorrect instantiation of the module.
  • Correction of the return value of ioobject in device.devicename if using a IOBase or inherited object.


Version 2.0.6

Important update!

This update fixes the following errors:

  • Bug fix when using duplicate device names in piCtory. The devices and IOs were not accessible!
    NOTE: The naming of the devices should always be unique, without special characters and comply with the Python guidelines!!!
  • The .cycleloop() could not be restarted after exiting. This bug has been fixed.
  • VirtualDevices in the very old piCtory 1.0 version are now incremented from position number 64 (Kunbus default). These got previously position -1 and smaller.
  • The device functions .get_allios(), .get_inputs() and .get_outputs() will not provide None objects. This occurred if not all bits of a byte were replaced with .replace_io(“name”, frm = “?”).
  • The bool() conversion of an IO object now properly returns False if the value is 0.
  • The .frm attribute of a replaced IO returns the pure formatting character.
  • The .wait(…) function of the IOs checks the parameters passed.
  • Further improvements to the code.
  • Complete code check with unittest including coverage check.


Version 2.0.5

Minor update:

  • Access to the RevPi core temperature via .core.temperature
  • Troubleshooting when using simulator=True on instantiation
  • Improved performance during instantiation


Version 2.0.2

Version 2.0.2 is stable!

After many test hours and a few minor improvements, RevPiModIO 2 is now FINAL! 😀

INFOS about the new version will be available soon!

In addition to the new, simplified syntax, we have added a new parameter “delay” for .reg_event (...) and the new function .reg_timerevent (...).


Version 1.0.0 – final!

After many months of development and new features, we have now released the final version!

RevPiModIO Version 1

In addition to a few refinements and a bugfix with the byte order of the default values, this version is worthy to get the version number 1 😀

This version is still maintained, but we have learned by the development and the version 2 is in the starting holes! Look at the new syntax, which also offers many advantages in an interactive Python shell on the RevPi!

RevPiModIO version 2