Version 2.5.5

Important update

  • Implementation of RevPi Flat (still without .core IOs).
  • Hardening of NetIO (process image over the network).
  • The call .cycleloop now accepts an optional blocking parameter. If you do not want the Cycleloop to be executed exclusively, blocking=False can be set – Same as blocking parameter of the .mainloop.
  • shared_procimg can now be set per device. This makes it possible, for example, to use only the core module as shared and the rest as exclusive.
    Each device now has the function .device.device_name.shared_procimg(activate: bool).
  • If shared_procimg=True, the new values are now also immediately set in the .io variables.
  • Bugfix: When shared_procimg=True, the .core.An LEDs were not set.
  • The .export flag of replaced IOs can be adjusted in the program at runtime. This setting is will be saved by .export_replaced_ios() in the configuration file – read from there.


Version 2.5.3

Important update!

  • Bug fix in NetIO functions, which could lead to a crash in case of network errors.
  • IO objects are now callable. The actual value will be returned via or set with This has the same function as, which is of course still available.
  • New pictory module, which is designed for the AIO, DI, DO and DIO Module provides constants of the MEM values, which you configure in piCtory. So you can query the settings in your program by using the constants (thanks Theo!).


Version 2.5.0

Important update!

This update includes support for the Revolution Pi Compact.

In addition, the handling for .cycleloop(...) has been improved and the Cycletools now also contain .device, .core, .io. This means that you can access the IOs directly without having to go directly via the RevPiModIO object.

In addition, the .core class now always has the .wd output and the .wd_toggle() function, which was only available on the Connect. The software watchdog can be used with the current version of RevPiPyLoad.


Version 2.4.5

Important update!

  • NetIO got massive stability and speed improvements, as well as a watchdog. (Requires RevPiPyLoad from 0.8.5).
  • The Cycletools now have the .last flag, which if True indicates the last cycle before the end of the program. By querying that value, clean-up work can be done in the cycle function.
  • Less resource consumption with autorefresh and query bit IO values.
  • Parameter direct_output has been renamed to shared_procimg. Old name can still be used, but triggers a “DeprecationWarning”.
  • Improved synchronization of the loops when leaving the program (.exit / .cleanup).
  • For MEM type IOs, the value now returns the configured value from piCtory (raw value).


Version 2.4.2

Important update!

This update fixes minor common errors and critical errors in network functions!

  • Fixed an issue with all RevPiNetIO classes that prevented a reconnect under certain circumstances.
  • Bug fix when using prefire and as_thread in .reg_event(...).
  • Error correction in export file for replaced IOs
  • Error correction, setting delayed events to .core.ios, such as. .core.a1green, .core.x2in etc.
  • Warnings are issued once when errors occur and after the errors have been eliminated. No more warning floods in the console!
  • Error counter on process image improved.
  • The function .reg_event(...) accepts parameter prefire=True and will execute this event immediately on entering the .mainloop()[Doc].
  • All RevPiNetIO classes require RevPiPyLoad version at least 0.8.0!
  • RevPiNetIO classes have the attribute .reconnecting, which can be used to query whether the connection has been torn down temporarily.
  • All RevPiNetIO connections are disconnected when changing piCtory or replace_ios.conf. The attribute .config_changed will be True and a new instantiation is needed.
  • IOs exported with .replace_io(...) can be exported to a file and used by other instances or RevPiPyLoad / Control with .export_replace_ios().
  • Parameter replace_io_file for RevPiModIO introduced, for the import of the exported file. With RevPiNetIO :network: can be used to import this data via RevPiPyLoad over the network.
  • Added parameter direct_output at instantiation [Doc].
  • Indexed access to IOs via .device possible (.device.dio01[0].value).


Version 2.3.2

This version mainly fixes errors in counter IOs

  • Counter IOs 8 – 16 can now also be reset with .reset ()
  • Runtime warnings have better error hints
  • debug argument introduced to get complete error messages
  • Format check implemented by .replace_io(...) for specific types
    Thanks to Nicolai Buchwitz
  • Improved argument checking on instantiation


Version 2.3.1

This update introduces the counter-reset of DI / DIO modules!

  • Counter IOs now have the function .reset() to reset the counters on the DI / DIO modules.
    Note: The Wheezy (7) system does not support this in the piControl!
  • Counter can also be reset via RevPiNetIO over the network (RevPiPyLoad at least version 0.7.5).
  • Iterators now issue Python-conforming exceptions.
  • The function .replace_io(...) was offered for all IO objects, but can only be used with gateway or virtual devices. It is now only available on IOs that support this feature.
  • The .mainloop(...) now accepts the no_warn=True parameter to disable runtime warnings.


Version 2.2.5

Important update!

  • IOs of the Core / Connect modules are now managed statically, which is very important if new IO variants of the modules should appear in piCtory.
  • If events are appended to IOs of the .core. class via .reg_event(...), the IO names are prefixed with core. . The name of the input X2 of the Connect is now “core.x2in” to avoid overlapping with other piCtory names.
  • Export flag from piCtory for RevPiStatus und RevPiLED is passed to the IOs of the .core. class.
  • Export flag for x2in was passed from RevPiLED, which is wrong. Now the export flag of RevPiStatus will be used.


Version 2.2.3

  • Improves module performance
  • Set internal cycle time depending on the core version at instantiation. This improves the event system and responds much faster to IO changes – especially with Core3
  • Runtime monitoring integrated for event functions. Warnings are issued if functions have too long runtimes
  • The “Export” flag from piCtory can now be retrieved via .io.ioname.export
  • You can pass the parameter export=True/False to the functions  .get_allios(...) / .get_inputs(...) / .get_outputs(...) of the device class to get only IOs that have set, or not set the export flag in piCtory
  • Fixes errors that could occur under certain circumstances with reg_event(...) / unreg_event(...)
  • Improvements in RevPiNetIO classes provide better network communication with RevPiPyLoad


Version 2.2.2

Important update + RevPi Connect

  • Core LEDs will not be switched off after instantiation.
  • For next generation of virtual devices we now can create more than 16 BIT IOs per memory unit.
  • You can control the LEDs on the Cores (next to .core.A1) with .core.a1green.value = True/False / .core.a1red.value = True/False. These are IO objects that also offer all other functions of the IOs.
  • RevPi Connect is supported now!
    • .core.A3 or .core.a3green / .core.a3red are available.
    • You can control the watchdog with .core.wd.value = True/False.
    • To toggle the watchdog automatically during the program runtime, you can set .core.wdautotoggle = True.
    • Internal IOs of X2 .core.x2in und .core.x2out are objects than offer all their features and functions. For example, you can register an event to the internal input of X2 .core.x2in.reg_event(funktion). To set the internal output of X2 use .core.x2out.value = True.
  • For cyclic work after .mainloop(blocking=False) you can use the new exit signal instance.exitsignal.is_set() or while not instance.exitsignal.wait(0.5): to exit your own loop.
    The signal is set when invoking instance.exit() or end of program when using .handlesignalend().
  • Small performance improvements.