Our DEB Repository

The RevPiModIO repository makes our packages available to all DEB based systems. In this way, they can also be installed and updated on other systems that access the process image via RevPiNetIO (visualizations, data systems, etc.).

The Revolution Pi receives our packages via the KUNBUS repository. An integration is not necessary here, unless you want to use updates of the BETA* packages.

Of course, our RevPiCommander, the GUI tool for the Revolution Pi, is also available here.

Integration into a DEB system (once)

Our packages are digitally signed. That is why our public key must be made known to apt:

sudo sh -c 'wget -O - http://packages.revpimodio.org/repository.key | apt-key add -'

The next step is to add our repository server to apt. You can choose between main versions (stable) or beta versions (beta).

The beta* versions also get the main versions if a more recent one appears there. So it is not necessary to include both branches!

Stable versions only

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://packages.revpimodio.org/ stable main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/revpimodio.list'

BETA* and Stable versions

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://packages.revpimodio.org/ beta main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/revpimodio.list'

Now you update your apt package sources and can install our software.

user@host:~$ sudo apt-get update

# RevPiModIO
user@host:~$ sudo apt-get install python3-revpimodio2

# Python PLC Loader
user@host:~$ sudo apt-get install revpipyload

# GUI-Tool RevPiCommander
user@host:~$ sudo apt-get install revpicommander


Some systems are set up so that the package sources are automatically updated and updates are installed. This means that the software is always kept up to date.

Alternatively, updates can also be installed manually:

user@host:~$ sudo apt-get update

user@host:~$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

* Beta releases include new features faster that will be included into future major releases. You can recognize them by a letter after the version number 2.5.5a, b, c, etc. They are based on the develop branch from our Github repositories.